Who We Are

We are a diverse group of people, devoted to faithfully following Jesus in all areas of life, including:

  • Devoted to the Apostles’ teaching and so we engage life through the lens of Scripture with a particular emphasis on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.
  • Devoted to the breaking of bread and so we remember Jesus by regularly participating in the Lord’s Table together.
  • Devoted to fellowship and so we participate in small groups, ministry activities, and opportunities to grow together and do life together.
  • Devoted to prayer and so we incorporate prayer into everything we do.


Under the Lordship Of Jesus Christ, Crossroads celebrates biblical wholeness, diversity and reconciliation. We minister collectively as the body of Christ in our community and the world sharing the love of God, drawing the unsaved to salvation, and nurturing believers to maturity.

Our Values


Crossroads has a big front door and room at the table. We value diversity and each individual that God leads to fellowship with us at Crossroads and recognize that each person is created in the image of God.


Crossroads lays down our masks to meet Christ and one another as we really are. We value authenticity in our relationships and our worship; knowing that God calls us to holiness, we acknowledge that we are all in progress.


Crossroads is a light in our community shining a message of hope and transformation in the darkness. We value witnessing to the neighborhood and the world, sharing the hope of Christ for forgiveness and a transformed life.


Crossroads is a family full of gifted brothers and sisters who use their gifts to support, disciple, and lift each other up. We value love for one another recognizing that it is through our love that the world will know that Jesus is real.


Crossroads isn’t THE body of Christ but a part of the Body serving and witnessing for Christ in our community. We value partnership and service alongside our other Christian brothers and sisters to fully reflect Christ to the world.


Crossroads worships in spirit and truth. We value passion and sincerity over performance in our worship and seek to follow the Word and the Spirit in our gatherings.

Our History

Crossroads Mennonite Church (formerly South Christian Street Mennonite Church) traces its history to 1933 when Joseph Lehman and a team of individuals began an outreach ministry to families on Howard Avenue in Lancaster. After moving to Rockland Street for a few years, a church building was constructed at the corner of Locust and South Christian Street, and in 1938, South Christian Street Mennonite Church was born.

In 1999, the congregation moved to the building formerly inhabited by St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church at the corner of South Duke and Church Streets. Shortly thereafter, the congregation changed its name to Crossroads Mennonite Church.

Worship service

Our Leadership Team

  • Rick Rutter – Lead Pastor
  • Daniel Cabrol
  • Deborah Chu
  • Jack Crowley
  • Greg Yoder

About the Pastor

Rick and Jean

Rick Rutter was born in Philadelphia and graduated from Lancaster Bible College with a Bachelors in Bible (missions emphasis). During his LBC days, while attending South Christian Street Mennonite Church (now Crossroads), Rick met Jean and they married in 1998. Together, they are the parents of 8 children and 6 grandchildren.

Rick has been involved in Rescue Ministry for over 20 years through Water Street Mission, served as the Director of Ministries in the Scranton and Wilkes Barre regions, and as Executive Director of the Southern New Hampshire Rescue Mission. At each stop he has helped to bring stability and focus to the organizations he has been a part of.

Rick has a desire to bring that same stability, focus, and leadership to Crossroads, as together the church strives to encourage and equip devoted followers of Jesus who Celebrate Jesus, Connect in Community and Contribute to the Welfare of the City.

Rick’s blog